About the Journal
LITES publishes original articles on all aspects of embedded computer systems according to the principles of OpenAccess. The journal is published by the European Design and Automation Association (EDAA) \ EMbedded Systems Special Interest Group (EMSIG) and Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing
LITES aims at efficient reviewing procedures to ensure that articles are published within one year of submission. LITES will be published in one volume with 4 issues per year and is permanently open for submission.
Aims and Scope
Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems (LITES) aims to publish high-quality scholarly articles and to ensure efficient submission, reviewing, and publishing procedures that will result in timely publication. All articles are published open access, i.e., are accessible only online at no cost to the reader. All rights are retained by the author(s).
LITES publishes original articles on all aspects of embedded computer systems, in particular: the design, implementation, verification, and testing of embedded hardware and software systems; theoretical foundations; single-core, multi-processor, and networked architectures and their energy consumption and predictability properties; reliability and fault tolerance; security properties; and applications in the avionics, automotive, telecommunication, medical, and production domains.
Open Access Policy
The metadata provided by Dagstuhl Publishing on its webpages, as well as their export formats (such as XML or BibTeX) available at our website, is released under the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication license (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode).
Processing Charge
Each article is assigned a DOI and a URN.
To facilitate author identification, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is optionally included during upload so that authors can be uniquely linked to their ORCID iD.
Longterm Preservation
Publication Ethics
Constitution of the Editorial Board
LITES shall have an editor-in-chief and an editorial board consisting of 10 to 20 subject area editors. The editors will have a contract with Dagstuhl. LITES is operated not-for-profit. All editors and reviewers are unpaid. The APC is charged to compensate the real costs.
Duties of the editorial board
- The editors shall find competent reviewers for submissions and assign submissions to these reviewers, monitor the reviews respecting the timelines. They shall respect the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct for Journal Editors/Journal Publishers (see http://publicationethics.org).
- The editors will be supported by a submission management system.
- The terms for editors last 4 years, renewable once.
Review Policy
Decisions are taken by the area editor in charge of a submission. A minimum number of 3 reviews for each submissions required. The journal uses a single-blind peer-review process (i.e. authors do not know who the reviewers are, but reviewers do know who the authors are).
The timelines for handling submissions are:
- Max. 1 year overall from submission to publication.
- 6 months in case of reviews recommending Minor Revision.
- Max. 1 month for reviewer assignment
- Max. 4 months from reviewer assignment to review.
- Max. 3 months for author corrections to final version.
Full support for editors by a submission-management system will be provided. The editor-in-chief (EiC) has the final responsibility for decisions about acceptance and rejection of submissions. He/she assigns editors to submissions especially in case of
- unclear area, or
- conflict of interest of the corresponding area editor.
The area editors
- filter out inadequate submissions (out of scope, inappropriate presentation, 'spam').
- depending on the case, trigger consultation with the editor-in-chief,
- select, assign, and invite reviewers,
- keep track of pending reviews,
- if necessary organize additional reviews,
- in case of ambiguous reviews
- trigger clarification among conflicting reviewers, and/or
- organize additional reviews.
Reviewers provide
- a detailed review judging the scientic value and relevance of the submitted work,
- a decision whether an article should be (conditionally) accepted or rejected,
- a decision whether the submitted article would need language- and copy-editing in case of acceptance.
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